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October 18, 2005

Wholesome Halloween Bondage

You wouldn't believe
On All Hallow Eve
What lots of fun we can make,
With apples to bob,
And nuts on the hob,
And a ring-and-thimble cake.
~ Carolyn Wells

Oh my. Am I wrong to find this slightly kinky? Apples to bob and nuts on the hob, indeed.

Wholesome Halloween Bondage

Props to Good Shit

Mirth by Doxy at 01:34 PM | permalink | talkback (2)


The pumpkin on the left is thinking "That's what I'm talkin' about!"

Posted by: jmd at October 18, 2005 07:44 PM

Yes you're very wrong.

But then I'm very, VERY wrong.

'Bite the apple, little girl.'

I want her blindfolded as well.

Posted by: Karl Elvis at October 18, 2005 08:34 PM

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